and final of Timothy Leary's 'Future History
Series' with lots of pictures and
ideas to stretch your intelligence! It is a
collection of illustrations, memos,
and articles written in "future history" that
reflect life on planet
earth during Leary's lifetime. A work of social,
moral, religious and
scientific satire, THE INTELLIGENCE AGENTS
features articles by and about
people who changed the meaning of freedom.
In his free-flowing, chaotic style, Leary
recapitulates evolution from the
first organism when life began in the Eastern
Oriental shorelines. He shows how
DNA, the breath of life, chased the Sun Westward
towards our neurological
destiny. We have migrated from Asia to California,
which is the launching pad
into space where we will create High Orbital
Mini-Earths—H.O.M.E.s. Intelligence
Agents have already established homes in future
hive colonies. The secret to
Intelligence Increase and becoming an Intelligence
Agent is to SMI2LE—Space
Migration Intelligence Increase Life Extension.
Leary’s acronym
"SMI²LE" is a succinct summary of the coming pre-transhumanist
transition: SM (Space
+ I²
+ LE (Life extension),
THE INTELLIGENCE AGENTS purports to be articles
written from future and past
Intelligence Agents, with Leary sending
transmissions about his escapades during
asylum in Switzerland. Supposedly
written by neuronauts, articles include messages
from Carol Rosin, Anise Nun,
Henry Marshall, Pauline Kael, Andy Warhol, Susan
Kaiser Vogel and many others
from Leary’s Genetic Hall of Fame.
a term invented by Leary—future+mutant—and
peppered with theories, ideas, histories,
dedications, neurological data,
DNA information, cultures of smaller organisms,
cultures of cosmic life,
evolution of organisms and individuals, occult,
philosophy and metaphors. At
any given time, one to two percent of the
population is genetically programmed
to be Evolutionary Scouts. No better or worse than
artist, engineer, teacher or
any other human proclivity, like scouting honey
bees, EvoScouts experience the
future, "return" to the human "hive" to do their
"dance" pointing to the evolutionary direction of
greatest potential.
out of the chaos comes the powerful
evolutionary prompt: "Move On!"
THE INTELLIGENCE AGENTS is creatively paradoxical.
It sets forth, dogmatically
and exclusively, a set of ideas as 'objectively
true', while putting forward paradoxical
notions that press Readers to take a critical
position. Because intelligence
rests on a critical thinking,reading
INTELLIGENCE AGENTS forces an increase of your
intelligence. THE
INTELLIGENCE AGENTS elucidates the concept
of the futant role and, most importantly, how the
futant can integrate into
society—without enduring the fate of a Giordano
Bruno, a Tesla........or a Timothy
Leary. Evolve Now!